Traveling with Dogs: Leash and Zip Line

Pet Barrier logoHow it works

If you want to give your dog a sense of freedom in the garden, you might have considered a zip line or cable run. More or less the same system can be bought for the car: Kurgo and Solvit sell zip lines that are attached to two points in the car, for instance the ceiling handles or two seatbelts.

The walking leash of your pooch is then secured to the zip line, so that the dog can move across the length of the line on the back seats or the trunk. It can also be used in combination with a pet barrier.

leash and zip line for a dog in the car



The main advantage of the zip line is that is it directly attached to the leash of your pooch. This way, you won’t have to attach a leash after taking the dog out of the car, as would be the case with a crate or booster seat.

Pet owners can just walk straight to the dog park or into the house. This might even prevent some from leaving their pets in the car on a warm day.

What’s more, the dog can’t get on the front seats and distract the driver, an important issue with regard to accident prevention.



The main flaw with the product is that it doesn’t prevent injuries: there’s enough lead that the dog can jump out of the door when it’s open or even out of the window. In addition, your pup will hit the front seat when you suddenly have to stop or are involved in an accident.

Should you decide to use the zip line, make sure that the leash has a swivel. If not, the leash winds up whenever your dog turns, which might cause the carabiner to release.

The product is not the best option for two dogs. This is because their leashes will get tangled up when the pups move around on the backseat or in the boot, which can cause a dangerous situation.


Safer Options

To some, it might look like a good idea to allow the dog some freedom in the car. This, however, isn’t safe in an accident. Instead of a zip line, why not consider a crate for small pups or, for larger pooches, attach the zip line in the trunk and add a sturdy pet barrier?

dog in the car kept safe by a Travall pet barrier and divider


Overview: Car Safety Items for Dogs

Car Crate

Dog Harness

Back Seat Barrier

Booster Seat

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